A game-changing program to take your studio to the next level

Do you wish you could have…

  1. Classes so full you need a waitlist

  2. Incredible teachers who are exceptional with your dancers

  3. More hours in your week and flexibility in your schedule

  4. Generate more revenue for your studio 

What if there was a program filled with like-minded studio owners that would give you accountability in your growth, personal guidance, strategies for business development and monthly live coaching?

Grow your studio by simplifying & streamlining your systems. 

When you join Dance Business Academy, you will:

Set your studio up for ultimate success – we get clear on exactly what you want and an easy-to-follow strategy to get you there

Learn the secret to identifying behaviour cues and my exclusive communication framework – to manage dance parents and students in the best way possible

Design your studio in a way that you have the choice where you place yourself – Time is the most valuable commodity we have, and you should be able to choose where you spend it – plus spend your time where your strengths lie!

Find the balance between your business, and life outside the studio – It’s ok if you love to work and it’s ok if you love your life outside of the studio – the secret is to find the balance that suits you and your individual need and wants.

Overcome your money blocks to earn the income you deserve – finding revenue beyond your students so you are not solely relying on their fees and, finding other sources or reoccurring income to help ease financial stress

Gain access to my done-for-you programs – for example, my Teacher Training and Development Program, my Assistant Teacher Training Program, my Preschool Program (just to name a few). These programs have been developed over many years of hands-on experience.

Focus in on marketing reach, more enrolments & retention – Designing a strategic and creative plan that will impact your studio, not only for now, but forever.

Empower your team to teach in alignment with your studio values – Navigating your team from finding them, interviewing them to onboarding them for a smooth transition. 

Increase your confidence in all areas of running your studio – Designing your studio so you can run it as you orginially dreamed. Whether you want to run a boutique studio or a million-dollar empire, I will show you exactly how to do that.

About Jen...

I've been a studio owner for nearly 30yrs and done A LOT...


I started a studio from scratch 30yrs ago, I grew that studio from 1 - 1200 students - from my parent’s garage to the local community hall, to buying our own factory unit and fitting it out with 2 large studios and reception/waiting area.


I bought an existing studio and grew it for a couple of year then, sold that studio to a graduating student for 3 times the price of what I bought it for.


I started another a brand-new studio in a completely different area to test my business practices still work and am happy to report that studio has grown to 250+ students in 5 years (even with a worldwide pandemic shutting us down for nearly 2 years).


Started working along side other studio owners coaching and consulting - sharing ideas, concepts and strategies watching them consistently growth their studio. And it is achieved through the framework of…

And it is achieved through the framework of…

Dance Business Academy is based on a proven success strategies
We’re different to other studio growth programs because:

My approach is through direct first-hand experience

Strategies that have been tried, tested, and proven

I work along-side you to co-create and up-level your studio

Dance Studio Owner | SYDNEY, Australia

If you’re looking for someone to help guide you through your studio owner journey and help you excel in every way possible,
then you seriously need to consider joining Dance Business Academy (DBA).

Before working with Jen, I was overwhelmed and struggled to compartmentalise the many things on my to-do list.
As most would know, there are so many different areas of business management that you need to consider,
but the videos and workbooks in DBA gave me very clear and precise steps forward that I could actually follow.

Jen shares her knowledge and wisdom so selflessly and doesn’t hold anything back. She truly cares about you
and where YOU want the studio to go and helps give the practical tools to make it happen.
As a result of her systems and strategies, I have been able to grow my student numbers
higher than ever before this year and have also increased profitability across the business. 

Dance Business Academy includes:

  • Instant access to my training programs, resources and templates (which are continually updated)
  • Access to the private community with lifetime access to all training and our exclusive community conversations and expert guests
  • Monthly live masterclasses, coaching calls and hot seats for accountability and support to help implement your learning & answer your questions
  • Access to all my DONE-FOR-YOU dance studio programs and templates to be adapted and integrated into your studio, including, but not limited to: 
  1. Preschool Dance Program
  2. Senior Teaching Training & Development Program
  3. Assistant Teacher Training Program
  4. Dance Class Curriculum


  • Copy of my book ‘Teaching Dance Beyond the Steps’ to use as a training resource for your team

Claire O’Shea Jones
Dance Studio Owner, Dance Business Coach | QLD, Australia

If you are looking for direction or help to grow your studio…. Look no further!

Jen Dalton is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to training and inspiring others in the industry.
Her amazing Dance Business Academy course with her personal touch & advice makes this course
the best investment I've made in my business..

With the right guidance, your business can run smoothly, effectively and thrive!  

Dance Business Academy IS right for you even if:

You already feel super busy and overwhelmed with everything you have on your plate.
This is why I do all the hard and time-consuming thinking for you.  

Worried about the financial commitment…and, this is why the first thing we do
is get you working on multiple re-occurring revenue streams to come
into your studio (that isn’t your weekly class fees…)

Dance Studio Owner | QLD, Australia

The coaching content is thorough and really helpful - I leave each session with tips I could implement straight away!
It is delivered in an easy-going and supportive way which felt like everyone could share their own experiences and advice.

Look, I totally get it. Sometimes the only way to really know whether a coaching program is the right fit for you is to get in there and test it out, which is exactly why Dance Business Academy comes with a 14 day ‘do the work’ money-back guarantee. If you don’t feel like Dance Business Academy is giving you the know-how, support, and accountability you need, just email me at within the first 14 days of us working together, and I’ll give your money back. The only thing you have to do is attend the masterclass & coaching calls, complete module one, and show me that you've done the work. That way I’ll keep you accountable to the commitment you make when you join, and you’ll keep me honest about whether the program will serve you.

Emma Franklin Bell
Dance Studio Mentor & Author of 'How to Run a Preschool Dance Studio'

Jen Dalton is a leading authority in dance teaching & business education.
She has crafted an easy to navigate process needed to grow a studio and make it finacially rewarding.

Jen is insightful and wise in her approach and looks at the individual and the industry wholistically.
She is changing the landscape of dance teaching & business education and this coaching is one to get into right now
if you want to become the best you can be for your own growth and that of your studio.

There is one more thing I want to chat with you about before you go…this time next year!

Let’s just suppose – just for a second – you do join me in Dance Business Academy . You implement one small step at a time, moving you forward bit - by – bit and in a few months from now you start seeing a shift…You have a dance studio that is:

  • Filling with enrolments, you are considering a wait list…
  •  Your team is building with teachers who are exceptional with your dancers…
  • You now have more flexibility in your week to focus on the things you really love doing in your studio…
  • You are generating multiple revenue streams into your studio, which means you can put more back into your studio and design an even greater experience (or put it towards a new car or holiday!)

When you join Dance Business Academy, you get access to:

Copy of my book 'Teaching Dance Beyond the Steps' - valued at $35.00

Social Media Content Ideas & Studio Challenge Resource - valued at $97.00

How to Find Teachers, Interview & Onboard Training - valued at $97.00

Preschool Dance Program - valued at $597.00

Dance Class Curriculum Program - valued at $597.00

Assistant Teacher Training Program - valued at $797.00

Teacher Training & Development Program - valued at $997.00

Live Masterclasses & Coaching Call every month - valued at $1500.00


Total value at $4899.00

You get all this, plus lifetime access inside the academy for $997.00

Course Pricing

Most popular

Dance Business Academy

$997 AUD

  • Normal price at $1497.00

Buy Now

Dance Business Academy

4 payments of

$255 AUD

per month

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much time will I need to find each week to work through the tasks?

Dance Business Academy is self-paced, so you can either dive straight in and work through each training asap, or, if you are in a season of 'crazy busy', you can plan to do it when you have a bit more down time.

I’ve been running my studio for a while, and it is going quite well; will you be able to help me,
or do I need to be just starting out?

DBA is for any studio owners who wants to grow - no matter what stage of business. If you are already doing well, but you want to step into a new level, I have a couple of options after you gain access to Dance Business Academy.

 1. Dance Studio by Design, and,
2. Million Dollar Dance Studio. You book in an initial chat, and we discuss which will be a better fit for you.

Do you have a payment plan?

Yes. I understand that sometimes it can be daunting or simply not possible to find the up-front payment, so we have options to suit you (and then we can also ensure that in the future you will have the option to up-front for other courses!!)

Course Pricing

Most popular

Dance Business Academy

$997 AUD

  • Normal price at $1497.00

Buy Now

Dance Business Academy

4 payments of

$255 AUD

per month

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